Thursday, April 7, 2011

5 lbs down!

While I am sitting at 160 even this morning, I am 5 lbs down from 2 weeks ago.

March got completely away from me, and I forgot my number one rule "each meal is a chance to start fresh".  No more excuses.  As of March 28, I started cleaning things up substantially.  I went through the cupboards (lucky for me there was a spring food drive in my apartment complex!) and then the fridge and freezer. 

TEMPTATION BE GONE!  If it's not there, I won't eat it.  If I crave it, I will have to physically go out and get it, and I just don't do that! 

I have been working on prep, and that makes things much easier.  Making sure that when I get home from grocery shopping I get things ready to "grab and go".  I also bought the Primal Blueprint Cookbook (Mark Sisson and Jennifer Meier) it is stuffed with fantastic options and recipes.  I started by making the Baked Egg Muffins (p 160).  I actually made 2 different variations.  One with lean ground beef, the other with the meat from some local turkey/spinach/onion sausages (Hayters for the locals).  Peppers and onions in the beef and I put asparagus and reconstituted dried cranberries in the turkey one.  A bit different with the cranberry, but good none the less. 

My quick dinner for when I have been late at the gym has been chicken thighs done on the George Foreman grill.  As long as I avoided getting one of those (I don't know why) I don't regret having it one bit.  Sprinkle some Tony Chachere's Cajun seasoning on them and pop the lid over them.  Steam some asparagus and broccoli, and the quickest, yummiest dinner ever.

Quick dessert of Greek yogurt with berries and a drizzle of agave and I have had an awesome, tasty and filling dinner - cheap and good for me.

I have also started to run again, after a 4 month hiatus, it is hard.  I knew it would be, and this is the longest I have gone without running in 7 years.  I won't beat myself up over it, what's done is done.. but I realize now (even with it being "hard") that I missed it terribly.

So.. quick update only.  Back to the kitchen I go..

Zucchini Egg Bake (p 166) and Turkey Kabobs (p 90) are on today's cook ahead plan...